Aw Ye Motherfucker



Saturday, 28 July 2012


5000 page hits? woah really, i didn't even notice though its probably just people flicking through blogs. But just to celebrate.

Hope for humanity temporarily rekindled. Yes he looks kind of girlish but who fucking cares. Hes got more money than you or me.

Today as I drove my friend home from a birthday party i reflected on the fears I had before i left home. The biggest fear of all was losing friends. Yet now I have slowly begun to realise it is in times of dire need that those who were really your friends truly rise to the occasion and prove their worth.

Another realisation that dawned on me tonight was how hard it is to bring oneself to admit defeat or that they are at fault. Its a hard thing to apologise and deflate your ego temporarily. Take this for example. Tonight at Fiona, Rebecca and Eugenes joint birthday dinner, I saw Aaron. Now from the moment I met Aaron I didn't like his personality and his mannerisms. I don't remember clearly why but i do remember calling him on saying things like 'TROLOLOLCEPTION'. Probably because I kind of consider myself a more elaborate troll and to me this was a disgrace to the elegant and subtle art of trolling.. BUT ANYWAY part of me wanted to just sit put and not say a word to him but then i thought... hes never done anything wrong to me, just annoyed me with his behaviour. So after a good 5 or 10 minutes of my hand convulsing I finally brought myself to shake his hand and call for peace.

He couldnt remember exactly why I was apologising but took it nonetheless. Now this was the moment I realised that I could learn something from Aaron. He is able to get agitated and unhappy and angry but is very easy at moving on and forgetting about the issue. My ego could benefit from a quality like this.

I've never been good at socialising with others and even if I do manage to strike up a conversation theres no saying how I'd ever be able to keep up with others if we met again in another setting unless they also intended to befriend me. Nevertheless tonight i also realised that a good ice breaker for any first time interaction is musical interests. At the party I sat next to a girl named Cindy. We had already exchanged the regular tidbits of info, what school were you from, what are you studying etc.

Then it became awkward because the conversation died off. I dont have the gift of spontaneous conversation, namely the ability to keep a conversation flowing. So it fell quiet between us and as i casually swirled the water in my glass I realised that she wasn't putting in the effort to talk to anyone else, maybe she doesnt know too many others here?

So i popped the question 'What kind of music are you into'. The conversation EXPLODED. I wont go into details but shes more into RNB and Hip Hop but has tried a little of everything. The conversation then flowed into one about movies such as Lord of the Rings and how we bought cried when we watched Michael Jacksons funeral.


Yep personally I will be using this ice breaker ALOT from now on. It fucking works.

On a random side note I really wanna try a psychdelic drug like DMT or LSD before I die.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Cosmos

Do you ever feel like just escaping? I wake up every morning for work feeling like shit. I feel like shit at shit work with shit bosses. I come in, play games/ watch tv and films for some time/ listen to music. Then I don't feel like going to sleep, so I put that off as long as I can. Then I do go to sleep, wake up, and the cycle begins again. I hate the idea of repeating this cycle till the end of my days but i don't want to contemplate any other mode of living.

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I would like to know if there is there any form of medication or meditation that can slow down our perception of time (or make our mind be outside of it?) and increase the levels which our thoughts can reach, essentially our clarity? But who am i kidding, I'd soon forget to take the medication and meditation would bore me very quickly.

I hold the belief that people are blinded daily by petty things and their own or other peoples pettiness... As well as that, by chemicals, hormones, by what society is telling them to be or not be, believe or not believe, by their peers, by their family, by their environment... Humanity has the potential to ascend beyond all of these things and it's the one thing every human being has in common, but shows so little of. That sounds very pretentious, but it's true. We're the one big collective, yet so many of us are alone, through our own feelings and perceptions or through other factors. The wisest and most intelligent of us seek answers in philosophy, in space, time, and the universe, in science, in the great question mark that is art and yearn to understand more. Those who are weak minded and idiotic look in religion and desire no furhter understanding as they are comforted by fabricated delusions. Yet there are others that gave up long ago and just escape into the mindlessness of daily life and the cogs turning in the big machine that is society, or find other ways to escape. Everyone is so apathetic and autonomous that it sickens me.

These last few days i've been monitoring my spending, budgeting, masturbating, going out with friends with near 0 restrictions and for the first time in 18 years i've not had to sit in a theater where a deluded old virgin spouted nonsense from his pulpit.  But no matter what i do, i cannot escape or abandon fully my hatred for religion. One side says just let it go, theres nothing a worthless speck lke you can do to change what people think, the other says no, i mst educate myself and make sure I expose religion for what it truly is. Whether I can do that on a massive scale or small, only the future will tell.

As I sat eating my lunch, i noticed the following in the paper.


Open Confessions:

• Under Australian law, Catholic priests are not required to report crimes they are told about during confession.

• The Catholic Church believes those who confess their sins to a priest - even the most heinous crimes - are absolved and freed from guilt.

• The priest is then bound by the Cod of Canon Law that states, "The sacramental seals is inviolable".

• There have been reports of child molesting priests haven confessed to fellow priest who have then refused to name the criminals due to this law.

You get the fucking point.

Today i went for the first job interview i got back which was from Maccas. But before that i decided to drop by Rhodes and visit Lewis and Chi while they were working at EasyWay. Before i went to lurk i went inside Angus and Robertson and bought "The Greatest Show On Earth" by Richard Dawkins. I bought this book becase it laid out in a detailed and structural manner the evidence for evolution by natural selection. I thought this important because a few months ago i listened to an online lecture from Christopher Hitchens (R.I.P.) about free speech.

He said 

It’s not just the right of the person who speaks to be heard, it is the right of everyone in the audience to listen, and to hear. And every time you silence someone you make yourself a prisoner of your own action because you deny yourself the right to hear something. In other words, your own right to hear and be exposed is as much involved in all these cases as is the right of the other to voice his or her view. Indeed as John Stuart Mill said, if all in society were agreed on the truth and beauty and value of one proposition, all except one person, it would be most important, in fact it would become even more important, that that one heretic be heard, because we would still benefit from his perhaps outrageous or appalling view.

let’s say as if in compensation for that everyone is made to swallow and official and unalterable story of it now, and it’s taught as the great moral exemplar, the moral equivalent of the morally lacking elements of the Second World War, a way of distilling our uneasy conscience about that combat, if that’s the case with everybody, as it more or less is, and one person gets up and says, “You know, about this Holocaust, I’m not sure it even happened. In fact, I’m pretty certain it didn’t. Indeed, i begin to wonder if the only thing is that the Jews brought a little bit of violence on themselves.” That person doesn’t just have a right to speak, that person’s right to speak must be given extra protection. Because what he has to say must have taken him some effort to come up with, might contain a grain of historical truth, might in any case get people to think about why do they know what they already think they know. How do I know that I know this, except that I’ve always been taught this and never heard anything else?

It’s always worth establishing first principle. It’s always worth saying what would you do if you met a Flat Earth Society member? Come to think of it, how can I prove the earth is round? Am I sure about the theory of evolution? I know it’s supposed to be true. Here’s someone who says there’s no such thing; it’s all intelligent design. How sure am I of my own views? Don’t take refuge in the false security of consensus, and the felling that whatever you think you’re bound to be OK, because you’re in the safely moral majority."

Much of my personal hatred stems from religion but how can I be taken seriously if I am not knowledgeable enough to defend my own fact?. Hence I thought ok lets read. In time i will read the Torah and the Qu'ran. I put in a deposit for Cosmos by Carl Sagan and even though it will take a few months to arrive I am excited and anxious to read it. Indeed while in the end there seems to be little point in accumulating knowledge before the nothingness, I push myself to remember that there is no harm in wanting to live life questioning everything, wanting to know as much, understanding as much as possible before Death takes me.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


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Monday, 9 July 2012

Letter of Resignation

This is the original unaltered raw letter that i wrote, the first draft of it, the first attempt at leaving a reason for why i left my old life behind me. Its littered with profanity and is quite childish in hindsight but meh whatever

If you haven’t realized yet, I've taken up on your offer of leaving this house and going to find my own way through life. I don’t remember when exactly I began to doubt my faith but it happened over many years. The day I threw down my chains and freed myself from religious burden was probably the day that you sat me down and read me that passage about Gideon or some other made up figure and told me after reading it that basically I was an idiot and a fool for praying for God to stop the bullying that happened to me during high school and that I should have fought back and not been such a pussy.

Now for years before that I was told that I should pray for my enemies and forgive them and just pray to God and everything would be fine. I lost the only chance I had to stand up for myself and destroy my enemies. Back when I may have cared for this family I thought I wont fight and make any trouble, I don’t want to have to move schools because my parents will be affected if I do. To have my own parents tell me that after so many years, that was the final nail in the coffin as I realized that religion was entirely bullshit and contradictory and it was also the moment that I realized I felt no love or care for my supposed family. Its actually quite difficult to maintain a two faced personality, you’d be surprised at how mentally draining it is. When you realized you could no longer control me through religion you demanded that I at least show some respect.

However no matter how hard I’ve tried I cannot bring myself to respect any parents who would treat their child in such a horrific way. If I had explained this to you earlier you would have laughed at me and said HAHA get over it you have victim syndrome boo hoo. I’m sorry but you fail to grasp the severity of your actions and how deeply you scarred me. Naturally since I feel no love for this family and since I am no longer what you call a ‘team player’ it makes sense that I should no longer stay here and live off your expenses. Being the selfish person I am I have indeed been using this family quite a while for mere financial security. I debated whether I should just wait 3 years to get over university first but I realized that if financial security came at the expense of emotional security then I wasn’t going to put up with religious indoctrination any longer. Ungrateful as I am in the end it’s my life in the end of the day and I’ve longed for the day where I would be able to regain some control over it. The hatred I harbor for this dysfunctional family is brimming at the edges and close to near bursting and lately its become hard to conceal just how much I’d like to see you all dead and rotting in a ditch. Unlike you deluded people I realize that this is the only life I have to live, there is no happy ending where we all meet again in some theme park where we all gather and worship God for all eternity like some kind of sick twisted celestial North Korea.

This is my only life and its ticking away one-minute at a time. If the only way to regain some balance of life is to leave then no one will stand in my way, no not even the couple who fucked to create me.  The idea of blood relations repulses me, family for me is whoever I want it to be. As you have no doubt guessed in recent times I indeed consider some of my friends as more family than you. I’m sure that many people think I’m stupid for thinking about family in such a way but that does not concern me. Family is whoever I want it to be, whether or not the person I consider family thinks of me in the same way, that is irrelevant. Respect isn’t innate, it is earned.

I’ve already quit university and there is no need to worry, the HECS debt is 2000 dollars but its under my tax file number which I will deal with myself. I have no right to take the car so I will leave it here. I’ve taken only my important documents and a few cds books and posters and other materialistic possessions. I’ve left the keys here and I exited through the garage. Feel free to change the locks, I wont ever be coming back. This was no easy decision and it was not a hasty one either. I’ve waited for this day for many years.  Just as you liked to quote bible passages at me heres one for you, you picky bastards, why don’t you read your fucking bible from cover to cover instead of picking and choosing the few nice parts to bullshit about.

For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 
36and a man's foes will be those of his own household. 
37He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me (Matt. 10:35-37; Luke 12:51-53)

While I don’t ever want to bring children of my own into a corrupted world populated by so many insane and stupid people I will tell you this. If I was told to do, what all Monotheists are told to do and admire Abraham, admire the man who said yes I kill my kid to show my love of God I would say no FUCK YOU. Now then if God appeared and ordered you to kill me would you do it? Of course you would you idiots, even my own mother admitted that she would. This is how far the termites have spread and you can see how deep they have burrowed and how well they have dined.

You fucking hypocrites. This may look like a childish cry for independence, but I assure you that this is actually a mans desire for rebirth, a revolution for one. I have no love nor sympathy for anyone anymore. This is what you’ve turned me into. I expect nothing from you and likewise you should expect nothing from me anymore. Yes I am a worthless piece of shit son who is ungrateful and selfish but hey this might all be part of God mighty fucking plan. If not? Then ill see you all in Hell.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Sooo many fucking Birthdays

Last week our little clan celebrated Kelly Virginia and Sams' birthdays. I cringed a little when i handed over the money as a part of my contribution to their gifts seeing as it was coming straight out of the savings account, the account that may very well dictate the course of the next road of my life. There was Chi Engs birthday today as well and Annie and Sam have some more parties next week. Holy shit. But in todays hyper materialistic world, not everyone can appreciate the mere gesture of a Happy Birthday or the mere fact that you took time and money and effort to make yourself present. Even if people internally would rather people just show up for friendships sake, being the greedy creatures that we all are in various degrees we don't say it and just accept these gifts. I wonder if ill ever overcome my innate greediness. 

While we sat in the bar and grill in Darling Harbour repeatedly smashed by cold winds from the harbour we had two tables filled with our little group. On my right was Chi who was on his 1st alcoholic beverage for the night. Opposite me were Sam and Aimee. Now this is an unfair generalisation but in my little mind i seem them both as our groups two resident hipsters. I don't mean it in a negative light though haha and on my left hand side right at the edge of our table was Annie.

Annie was a late comer to Fort St but nonetheless bought a happy aura with her. I remember how she messed with me and made me believe that she studied physics for almost a year before i discovered the truth. Anyway, while we were waiting for our meals that were ordered from an era ago, Annie asked me how uni and life in general was going. Now she is one of those i consider friends yet doesn't know about my personal problems. As i explained to her my desire to be 'reborn' i could see her face clearly etched with marks that spelled out disapproval

Being the ignorant and impulsive fool that i was immediately i thought to myself. Well who the fuck is she to question my motives? She doesn't understand shit. Fucking bitch fuck you for not approving of my decisions.. and many more of this sort of vile and aggressive ideas began sprouting in my mind. I spent the rest of the night in an internal brooding heat. I just couldn't bear to look at Annies face, a face that my mind had begun to distort the vision of, into a unhappy disapproving mass of muscle and skin. Another incarnation unnatural hatred had been created in me. I boarded the bus feeling so aggravated and pissed off that my brain felt like it being cooked in a pot swishing battery acid. It had been a long time since such hatred had been resurrected.

Over the course of the next few days i thought back at how i had reacted to Annie. While i don't think i let slip my emotions through any body language (maybe i did who knows?) I did regret my internal thoughts and i was now unhappy with myself again for having such little control of my neurons. I slowly began to pull myself together rationally. While i stood in the cold 5am wind getting ready for work i realised that no matter what decisions i make in my life there will always be those who approve of what i do and those who are against what i do. Annie had all the right to be disapproving of me seeing as I'm essentially abandoning my family to find my own way in life but of course she wouldn't understand the personal experiences I've had. Annie is just one of those friends whose opinions ill have to accept. There will always be some who don't like how i choose to run my life but what else can i do but accept their opinions and just get the fuck along with my life. 

Update: And as if my reaction wasn't abhorrent and disgusting enough to begin with, i don't remember clearly whether it was before or after our talk that Annie so generously fixed my camera, but i don't even remember whether i thanked her or not

Monday, 2 July 2012

The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

Continuing on my usual tradition of really getting to know and/or understanding the musicians that create the music that sustains me, i went out and bought Marilyn Mansons autobiography

35 pages in and I'm hooked, truly a great artist and writer this man is.

Excerpt pg. 32

"I've always believed that a person is smart. It's people that are stupid. And a few things bear this out better than war, organised religion, bureaucracy and high school, where the majority mercilessly rules. When i looked back on my first days there, all I saw was an insecurity and doubt so overwhelming that a single pimple was capable of throwing my life out of balance. Not until my final days did I have self-confidence and self respect, even a measure of individuality.

That last night in Canton, I knew that Brain Warner was dying. I was being given a chance to be reborn, for better or worse, somewhere new. But what I couldn't figure out was whether high school had corrupted or enlightened me. Maybe it was both, and corruption and enlightenment were inseparable"

I won't deny that i teared up a little while reading that passage. It was essentially my life so far just phrased in more understandable terms. As unbelievable as it may seem i find myself having shared the same thoughts on more than one instance and occasion. I now have another hero to look up to and i love it.