Aw Ye Motherfucker



Monday, 12 March 2012

10 Random Questions I'm Going To Try And Answer

1) If you could do anything you want to tomorrow, what would it be?

Take all my prized possessions and cds, a few clothes, my money stash, my papers and stuff it all in a car and drive far far away and camp in someones house for a while and go and audition for something musical or film related. Alternatively ill quit uni and either enrol in tafe / go work in a bar while working on my musical abilities. oh and drive off into the sunset while screaming "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

2) What are your core values?

But i don't even have bloody morals or even a conscience for starters. Well...That family is anyone who you want it to be, blood relations don't mean shit to me. When a person betrays you, consider the circumstances fairly, if its happened too often then cut him/her off. My goal is not to wake up at age 40 with the bitter realization that I have wasted my life on a job I hate because I was forced to deside on a career in my teens. Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless logic and experience prove you wrong; remember, when the emperor looks naked, the emperor is naked; the truth and a lie are not "sort of the same thing" and there is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza.

3) What are your special talents?

Being able to sing at almost perfect pitch with any of my songs (especially Nirvana) but only when I'm all alone.

4) What do you do better than most people you know?

View the world negatively and take sarcastic humour out of any senseless tragedy? Obsess over the history of the bands i listen till i feel like i know them personally? Appreciate good music and film?

5) What were your dreams as a child?

To start a band and get through high school unscathed. Oh and one day sing alongside Michael Jackson on stage in front of a huge ass crowd. Needless to say i wept vigourously when i watched his funeral.

6) What is the thing you are most proud of accomplishing in your life so far?

Having been to Japan and breaking off any emotional attachment to those to don't care about, especially my family whom i do not care for in the slightest and are only sources of financial security for me. Oh how i cannot wait for them to die.

7) What will you regret not doing in your life if you continue as you are now?

Not taking some acting and singing lessons and auditioning for something, ANYTHING. Oh and move out permanently and not look back.

8) What do you want people to say about you after you are no longer living? What is your legacy?

That of the friends that i loved i really did, that i loved them like family even though they never loved me the same way, that despite never being loved by a significant other, found peace and equilibrium through his attachment to music.

9) What do you want to do when you retire?

To be already scattered as ashes in a place of utmost significance to me. i don't plan to live past 27.

10) Outside of parents who influenced your life more than anyone else; who had an impact on your life and what was it about that person that meant something to you?

Ha influenced by parents, good fucking joke whoever thought of these and i stole from. It would be the musicians who i listen to. MJ because he showed how important love was to me at a young age. Amy Lee and Jonathan Davis because they showed me how one could channel all their frustration and anger through a musical outlet and got me through most of my adolescence. And Kurt Cobain who showed me the beauty of simplicity and the value of music over the lyrics despite his troubled drug addiction and bipolar disorder. While my own situation was not quite as extreme as his, my extensive research into his past revealed more parallels between me and him.

While it may is stupid to research obsessively so much into these musicians lives it brings me closer to them until i almost feel as if i know them like a friend. The impact their music their music has left on me is indescribable and only i shall ever know the feeling of contentment when i scream along to them.

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