Aw Ye Motherfucker



Monday, 17 September 2012

Fucking Sandniggers

Girl, 8, calls on Islamic youth to back jihad

AS Julia Gillard struggled to explain how Muslim children could be used to incite violence, eight-year-old Ruqaya yesterday fronted a congress of Islamic fundamendalists in Sydney to espouse her love for jihad. Addressing a 600-strong crowd at the Australian chapter of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bankstown in the city's west, the young girl urged all Muslim youth to fight for the restoration of the Islamic caliphate, a single global government for all Muslims established under strict sharia law. 

"My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as the world gathers against the believers in Syria ... seeking to hijack our sincere and blessed uprisings, children in Sydney would like to send their message of hope and support to the Muslims of (Syria), especially to the children and mothers," she read from notes. "These uprisings have demonstrated that this umma (global Muslim community) is alive and well, her love is for jihad, she is unshackled herself from the fear which she held, and she yearns to once again live under the banner of (the Islamic state).

"Children as young as myself can be seen on the streets joining the uprisings, risking their lives to bring food, water and medicine to their wounded family members, some of them never returning to their mothers ... Nobody is too young," she said.

Ruqaya was the seventh of nine speakers at the "Muslims Rise" conference.
Organisers of the event invited the media to report on her address.

Julia Gillard yesterday expressed her horror at images showing Muslim children carrying inflammatory placards at a protest in Sydney on Saturday, including one that read "Behead all those who insult the Prophet".

Another sign at the protest read "Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell".
"I do not want to see in the hands of anyone, particularly children, offensive signs that call for the killing of others," the Prime Minister said.
"This is not the Australian way.

"We believe in freedom of religion and we believe that every religion should be treated with respect."
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international political movement devoted to restoring a caliphate, the last of which collapsed in the 1920s.

The movement hopes Islamic fighters in Syria will replace the Assad regime with a caliph-led state that will eventually annex other Muslim countries and promote Islam in the West.

The caliphate would also threaten Western nations with jihad if they did not prevent their citizens from defaming the Prophet Mohammed or Islam.

It would be established under the same constitution imposed under Mohammed, which could not be reformed.

Ruqaya said: "We must work hard to achieve victory. It is enough that your generation and your parents' generation were raised in the absence of the khilafa (caliphate). Do not allow my generation to be added to that list."

I've always fucking hated muslim sandniggers especially the so called moderate muslims. Ask me a year or so ago i would have said just deport them and get child welfare services in here and get those kids out. But the Western Governments are too pussy to deal with this. Now i am a firm advocate of completely nuking Mecca, nuking the entire fucking middle east, take out Israel as well fucking jewish fucks no Jerusalem, no more Muslim faggots trying to get land thats already radioactive. Destroy every last one of these islamic fucks. Kill the kids as well, there's clearly no fucking way to get rid of this bullshit that's already too embedded in their psyche.

From the shit filled mouth of Sheik Feiz Mohammed of Auburn NSW

"A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world...

"Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature.

"Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No... It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves. What is the consequence? Catastrophic devastation, sexual harassment, perversion, promiscuity."


What YOU don't realize is that

Muslims are just using the Innocence of Islam" film trailer as an excuse.

Deep down, behind all the "movie is bad" chants, they're violent and destruction craving assholes. They WANT to riot, they WANT violence. Their sadistic tendencies and their religion itself, they WANT to show their dominance.

How do they do that?

You can't do it unless you've got a "Credible" reason to do so.

And the movie is a scape goat.


But deep down, I think there's something more. Who in the world would make such a controversial film and with such low-budget and stuff? I think someone (either the CIA or some middle eastern islamic evil planner) decided to CONJURE up the whole act - that they pretended someone to be a producer and make a film JUST SO they can do whatever they wanted - whether to stir up controversy and can riot wherever they want - or attack embassies and whatever.


This is what happens when you respect religion too much. I can't believe I'm probably going to have to pay taxes for the welfare of these Lebanese cuntbags when they reach they're 30's and can't get a job. 

These faggots move to the western world, denounce the heresy of the western world, riot and destroy things in what is effectively your home now, that was kind enough to have you and remain living there with profound sense of entitlement, finding everything you've done reasonable. 

They make me sick. Taking a look at the current situation they will overtake every single formerly civilized country by each Muslim woman having 10 children in our lifetimes.

Even by completely cutting off immigration it's too late. They are already here. They are growing. We are infected very, very deeply.
You can't even remove them , they all have legal citizenships. Getting a good education so you can work and live in clean districts as long as it's possible is the only thing we can do. 

We need to kill all Muslims. They're like the slow kid in the classroom, slowing down the progress of all mankind with their backward bullshit.

Muslim extinction means progress for everyone else. Do you want to live in a world of burquas like they want you to? With no freedom of speech, no beautiful women walking around dressed or undressed as they please? fuck you if you are a moralfag, Muslims need to be slaughtered every last one of them.

They can fuck back off to their own country.
Fucking cunts. They are lower than fucking dogs.

Put them all back on ship & sink them in the middle of the ocean. Fuck them & their shit stain of a religion.


1. Muslims go apeshit as usual
2. Full out police crackdown
3. Arrest as many as possible
4. Convict as many as possible
5. Instead of sending to jail, those who have no jobs/live off welfare/etc get deported back to Shitholelistan (the specific one they came from)
6. Mudfags now know that having public tantrums results in getting kicked out
7. Government justifies in that "we only got rid of the violent ones who abused the privilege of living here"
8. Country improves slightly


Islamic culture is awful. Islamic immigrants bring with them their mindsets of women being objects and generally just treat them like trash. almost every woman i know dislikes being on the street alone because they almost always get harassed by people from Islamic nations. in their eyes, a white woman is a slut to be used, unless she is walking with a man or covered head to toe so that you can't see her.

Saying that "this is just a few bad apples" is all well and fine, because sure, they ARE a few bad apples, but at the end of the day you've got to also acknowledge that this is their culture - it is incredibly primitive, there is no room for real democracy or free speech due to their religious restrictions, they view women as second class citizens, and they do not tolerate criticism of their way of life or religion.

Islamic countries are shitholes. the problem isn't the 'bad apples', it is the culture as a whole. 


Religion is the preeminent cancer of society, brainwashing billions into believing in magic and fairy tales, simply to sate their fears of what happens when you die.

For the large majority, it isn't their fault that they've been brainwashed, its a matter of geography, and the religion of their parents. that is, parents tend to bring up their children with their belief system, if its a convenient and popular belief system in their current location on the planet.

That being said, religious extremists of any religion, muslim, christian, jew, shinto, hindu, etc, should be slaughtered most violently, as their actions and beliefs retard the entire progress of society. human beings will never continue to evolve with the stigma of religion burdening us. that cancer must be expunged for us to continue building an intelligent society. 


  1. Great blog, we need the rest of good people of the west to understand, join the fight to kill them. We tried talk...

    We are not used to a religion that makes it OK to rape , lie and kill in the name of it's founder.

  2. word for word my thoughts
