Aw Ye Motherfucker



Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Triune Brain Theory

The Triune Brain Theory says that our brain has three parts: lizard brain, animal brain, and human brain. In a nutshell, the human brain is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. This is where abstract thought, language, and reason happens. Behavior is driven by the lizard and animal brains. And so, if you want to drive change, you must appeal to these areas of the brain. 

Triune Brain Theory

The lizard brain is your flight-or-flight pain avoidance mechanism. Solution Selling says "no pain, no change" and so hitting the lizard brain with pain can be a key driver for change. Since the animal brain drives most behavior and this is where we experience emotion, then it makes since that people would make decisions based on emotion. We back up those decisions with our human brain, but this isn't where memories are stored and so we might rationalize the decision but then the rationale goes away over time.

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