Aw Ye Motherfucker



Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Greece is dragging the rest of Europe down economically and thus will set off a domino effect unlike any other

Greece -> (Spain Russia etc.) Europe -> (Asia) China -> USA & UK & AUSTRALIA (mind you i know nothing about economics just what I've gathered from looking at newspapers periodically)

The unemployment rate is now 5.1% in Australia. (Well shit I'm probably gonna run out of my saved money before i get any sort of job)

There are rich ass corporations and politicians and people who drive shiny SUV's wearing expensive designer clothes while driving by orphanages homeless shelters and prisons to megachurches so they can tell each other just how FUCKING AWESOME JESUS IS while children are dying of AIDS and unclean water and horrible diseases in Africa and other less fortunate countries. Uprisings have occurred and failed in Egypt Libya and currently Syria as well, with governments killing their own people by the thousands without caring about anything else except their stupid fucking regimes

The world is a MESS. Global Warming, Terrorism, Animal Cruelty and soo much more... and we are all just individuals who have no power over anything not even our lives thanks to the massive influence our unconscious has over our conscious lives.

In Africa, we have a brutal tyrant who is doing his best to dismantle the culture and economy of his nation simply to stay in power. His neighbors know he's barbaric but are afraid to criticise him because they are pussies. Having stolen an election, he's now clamping down on the press, persecuting his opponents, destroying the economy of his nation, and doing his best to turn it into a complete sewer pit. His nation once exported food, now it has to import food and it won't be able to get enough and there's going to be widespread famine. A lot of people there have already died a lot more will soon and theres fucking NOTHING being done about it.

Elsewhere in Africa you have routine widespread slavery. Children by the thousands are sold by their parents to slavers who take them to other nations where they are used and abused until they grow up, and then turned out on their own to live horrible lives in even more abject poverty than those they left. Entire villages are raised to the ground, the men killed, the women and young girls raped and murdered and  the remaining young boys indoctrinated into child soldiers and soon enough they are so brutally mindfucked they don't hold back from murdering even old friends or relatives.

The HIV epidemic could be stopped in its tracks right now. We don't need a vaccine to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa; what we need is 500 billion fucking condoms and someone telling Africans the truth about sex and disease. No, having sex with a virgin will not cure you. No, HIV is NOT caused by poverty or witchcraft; and if you have unprotected sex with someone who is infected then you have a chance of getting infected too and once that happens there is no cure, so don't fucking do it you fuckwits.

FUCKING CATHOLIC PRIEST CUNTS who spread the lie that condoms actually SPREAD AIDS. Stupid hierarchy of priests and cardinals and bishops and popes in their fucking Vatican City fortress. Hypocritical faggots.

We should nuke the Middle East and take out that shiny shit stained block Mecca. Nuke Vatican City and every megachurch in America and every synagogue and cathedral, maybe we'll let the Buddhists slide on this one. But Dalai Lama that shitcunt who's parading around the world about saving Tibet when he just wants to reattain the old priestly privileged cult "for the GOOD OF HIS STARVING PEOPLE and to FUND HIS GUERILLA FORCE AGAINST CHINA". Disembowelment and eye gouging for lesser offences? Accepting CIA funding for training anti Chinese resistance? What the fuck man, good work China for fixing that shit out with secularism. Maybe nuke Africa as well to end the suffering of the starving children and AIDS/other pandemics infected people . Its not like anyone else can be fucked to do shit.

South America. Rich in resources and space and land and not yet overpopulated (kept by drugged up retards), South America should be the dream continent, more successful than any other. It is dominated by only two languages, it doesn't have a thousand year legacy of hatred and revenge, it is isolated from the rest of the world both physically and culturally. But its is dominated by a single fucking monotheistic religion (brainwashed hicks). Brazil has every advantage a nation could want; and yet it is stagnant and full of desperately poor people, living in slums and killing ear other for drugs and whatnot. Argentina cannot seem to get its economic shit in order. It's about to collapse and there's definitely a danger of war as a result. Colombia has a horrible crime problem (and my dad wanted to retire and move there HAVE FUN YOU DIABETIC FUCK). Peru is little better off. And yet, with all of South America's problems, it's still better off than Africa or Asia. But it's still PRETTY fucked.

In Asia you seem to have people who think that there is some sort of political statement to be made by throwing hand grenades into a church. You've got Hindus and Muslims that think that it's worth fighting over who gets to build a church on a certain site, and who are willing to kill hundreds of the others, just on general principles. They may even be willing to use 21st century weapons to settle scores dating back a thousand years. WW3 please you fundamentalist shitfucks

South Asia is also no better. Cambodia is the world's poster child for genocide Viet Nam is a bicycle ridden economic shithole, and let's not even talk about Myanmar. In China you have a gerontocracy holding onto power by its fingernails, living on the past glory of a long march that happened three generations ago and talking about how everything they do is in the name of "the people". In the meantime, those who live in North Korea are suffering through conditions unimaginable to anyone who doesn't live in Cambodia, or Viet Nam, or Ethiopia, or Congo, or, well, come to think of it, it's actually not that unusual in the third world, is it? You have a corrupt and incompetent government which has so badly raped the nation that its people are starving in huge numbers. Somalia, Myanmar, I guess lots of places have gone through that. Even though North Korea is importing mountains of food, millions of tons of it, it is possible that as many as a million people there may have starved already slowly and painfully. And the communist faggots even have the nerve to execute their own people for cannibalism when they are the reason their people starve anyway.

Radical Islam has already declared a 3rd Jihad on the West, North Korea against South Korea, shit that would be a pussy fight compared with what that Iraq & Russia military pact is gonna create. As soon as those radical Muslim fucks get enough nuclear weapons and they feel they are ready to destroy the West its all over. They're already in our countries, yellow fever would be like a wave in a bathtub compared the tsunami of religious dogmatic shit we gonna see soon. 

Fucking Muslims and their sharia laws. Fuck off back to Afghanistan if you want to practice this shit

All because their holy fucking Qu'ran says that they will conquer the whole world. Goddamn it. If i ever find a Qu'ran I'm gonna burn that shit. Damn this world is soo far down the shit i think i might actually live long enough to see it trip in its own nuclear waste pile

I plan to leave mid july and it seems that my family wants to sell their business and move to a farm. If i could tell them how much i didn't care about their fate i would tell them but i don't know if i can be bothered to even write it down in the letter that i plan to leave behind for these piles of afterbirth.

Ellas mother called me a few nights ago to explain the necessity of having a degree of some sort and i began to think hmm i don't plan on living past 40 and i can't see myself in uni for 3 years straight.. well if i was gonna go for something i actually wanted... Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies & International Relations) it was my first preference before my parents shit stormed about how science degrees were the way to go and if i didn't like what they choose i could pack my shit and leave because apparently i wasn't a team player god what the FUCK

HOWEVER turns out since i dropped out without taking the exams I'm now blacklisted for any future uni courses, meaning if i ever want to go back to uni in 5 or 10 years or whatever, i have a record so I'm down at the bottom of the list of applicants.

We live in a world where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals and banks destroy the economy. AW SHIT NIGGA THIS WORLD IS GOING TO THE CESSPOOLS

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